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Writer's pictureJena Forehand


Did you ever see that on a test or paper you did in school? I sure did! I remember having a project due in high school and I forgot one of the elements that was required! In jumbo letters, my teacher wrote “incomplete” and my grade showed it too!

Incomplete: “to not finish; not yet finished”.

It is great to study the Bible. But to study it and not act on it is incomplete. “Be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22

Hearing without doing is incomplete.

When Jesus came to earth, He showed us the heart of the Father. He brought revelation so that the Father’s heart toward us would be illuminated. But He didn’t leave it there! He not only told us about the Father, but He illustrated the Father! He lived what He taught! His words illuminated the heart of the Father but His works illustrated the will of the Father! Without both, it is incomplete!

Jesus’ words illuminated the heart of the Father and His life's action illustrated it.

The Church today has not represented Jesus well because we have had plenty of illumination but very little illustration. We have offered an incomplete reflection of Christ and our lives often feel incomplete as well. We see no power in our lives. It’s because we are incomplete or at best, inconsistent.

If I say, “I love you” but do nothing in response, it is incomplete.

If I say, “I will pray for you” but don’t pray, it is incomplete.

If I say, “Jesus heals” but refuse to pray for people’s healing, it is incomplete.

If I say, “I am sorry”, but continue to do the things for which I apologized, it is incomplete.

If I say, “Jesus saves” but never share the good news with another, it is incomplete.

If I say, “He is Lord” but do not operate like He is, it is incomplete.

When Jesus went to the cross on our behalf, He said, “It Is Finished”. He completed what He was made to do. He completed every word of the Word. He completed His purpose. He left nothing incomplete.

"He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it." Philippians 1:6

May we be a people who are both receiving illumination and then offering illustration, for the glory of our great God!

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