As we celebrated Valentines Day yesterday, I thought this was such a challenging word for us to ponder. Read this powerful word from my friend, Destiny, who is in small group with me, and let its truth sink deep!
In the small group I'm in, we talked about things that stop us from experiencing the love of God. One in particular has been sticking out lately. We sometimes humanize God. Meaning we sometimes try to put God into a box that makes sense in our minds.
For example, if we couldn't imagine someone feeling that way about us, God couldn't either. It just simply doesn't make sense to us in reality. The thing is God isn't supposed to fit into our reality.
God isn't supposed to fit into our reality.
“This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loves us and became the atoning sacrifice for our sin.” 1 John 4:10
This verse makes no sense in our reality. If someone didn't love us or rejected us, we wouldn't love them back. If we read this verse in that mindset, it's easy to brush this verse off, but if we read this verse with the mindset that God's ways are higher than mine, then this verse is overwhelming.
It didn't matter that I rejected God. It doesn't matter that I have doubts about the plans God has. It doesn't matter that I didn't love God. He still died for me anyway. Whew. That's overwhelming.
Go back to some of your favorite verses and read them differently. God is not like the people around you. He loves you.
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