It seems like about this time every year, I begin stuffing myself with food! Gatherings with family and friends are surrounded by yummy meals and incredible desserts! Work parties and events have food galore, and you almost feel badly if you don’t eat a little if everything!!!
You know what you are stuffing in your body,
but what are you stuffing in your soul?
That’s a great question because in the busyness of going, and seeing, and attending, while stuffing our tummies, we can become distracted from being watchful and alert about what we are feeding our souls. This oversight can create an “open place” for the enemy to attack.
Here’s a great place for us to start in stuffing our souls:
Lamentations 3:21-24
“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in Him.’”
It has been a very difficult season for all of us, but here is the good news: NOTHING CHANGES THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD!!! Nothing!
Our God is faithful to His Word, faithful to His Promises, and faithful to His children!
His love will never end, will never change, and will never leave!!!
His mercies are new to us every single morning! Never giving us what we so deserve!!!
The Lord is our PORTION! When the Children of Israel were being fed by God in the wilderness, He gave them their portion for that day. There were no carry overs. If they saved some for the next day, it would ruin. He gave them their portion to eat each day. Isn't it interesting that the #1 problem with weight gain in America is portion sizes? The most important tip in weight loss is "portion control"!!! The Lord is all we need to make sure we take in each day! Control that and make that a priority, and you will have all you need!!!
If we keep God's faithfulness, love, mercy, and daily portion in the forefront of our minds, we will have HOPE!!! This world needs some HOPE! We can have it and give it away!!! HOPE: a confident expectancy that God will do what He has promised! We can anticipate all kinds of good things as we keep our thoughts on these four things!
So gobble up His gracious portion for each day!
Gorge on His merciful goodness!
Pack in His loving presence and peace!
Feast on His faithfulness!
He Who promised is faithful! He will never fail you!
Stuff your soul with that!
love, jena