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Writer's pictureJena Forehand

The Deeper Retreat Difference

I have been searching for words to fully describe what happened this past weekend at The Deeper Retreat. Powerful. Spirit-filled. His Presence, His Glory was tangibly with us. Chains were broken. Strongholds torn down. Blurred vision restored. Twisted thinking realigned. Careless words reevaluated. All because we learned about the names of Jesus and what that changes in us. So so good.

What makes The Deeper Retreat difference?

Giving the Holy Spirit permission to do what He wants to. Deep, intimate and personal worship. Opening up the Word and learning from it. Tribe Time to hear from others and be personally ministered to. Jesus Time to have some time just with you and Jesus.

But what will make a difference for the long haul is your obedience.…your partnership with the Holy Spirit to develop the Word in you!

Hebrews 4:2 says this, “For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith.”

The truth, the Word, the gospel (Good News) can be preached from the rooftops, as perfectly and clearly as it can be, but if we hear it and don’t have conversational intimacy with the Father about it, asking the Holy Spirit to empower us to walk in what we have heard, it’s just a short-lived and temporary feel good, when Jesus is after transformation.

Faith is “believing the Word of God and acting on it no matter how we feel because God promises us a good result.”

God is not after information, but transformation. He is not after intellect but intimacy.

So what do you do when you hear a teaching? How do you respond? Is it in one ear and out the other, or do you take it to the Father and talk with Him about how that applies to your life‘s circumstance? Do you ask the Holy Spirit to help develop that particular truth in you?

Let me encourage you today to step into the process of combining what you hear with your faith, and watch real lasting transformation take place in your life.

This is learning how to live deeper!

You are loved,


Make your plans to start a small group and/or join us online in January for the LOVE study! To order your DVD and books:

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Julie Hopper
Julie Hopper
Nov 16, 2021

The lord Was present and tangible and miracle working!!! Yes sister!

thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you and usher the message through you for us all to hear and respond! ❤️

Jena Forehand
Jena Forehand
Nov 17, 2021
Replying to

It was an amazing weekend! God is just so good!


Jena Forehand
Jena Forehand
Nov 15, 2021

Thank you for your encouraging words! To God be the glory! He is so so good!!!💙

Julie Etheridge
Julie Etheridge
Nov 15, 2021
Replying to

Amen!! He is indeed!!


Julie Etheridge
Julie Etheridge
Nov 15, 2021

This weekend was so wonderful! My Momma-in-love that I never get to spend quality time with came with me and we both had such an awesome first time! We will be there next year :) The picture demonstration was phenomenal!! I will try my best to live out " If it isn't allowed in the Kingdom, than it shouldn't be allowed in my life" Thank you Jena for all that you do to bless others!! Please tell sweet Jorja to sing more often she has an amazing voice!! Praise and worship was fantastic as always!! Can't wait to see you all again in February for TATS ;)

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