Just those words alone carry so much meaning. A gift is something that is often not earned but rather given because of the value of the recipient.
A gift is given due to the value of the recipient.
"God so loved the world that He gave His only Son." John 3:16 Jesus is God's gift to you because you are so valuable to Him. WOW. That's humbling.
Jesus is the gift that is totally undeserved and yet totally given unconditionally.
For those who don't know, God has made a way, after 8 years of praying and seeking, to allow me the opportunity to start a women’s program with a group called Farm For Hope! I am so excited to be a part of this team, eager to jump in helping women, and eager to see them get a real chance at life!
As we prepare to receive our first group of ladies to our Farm For Hope campus in January, we created a Christmas List of needs. This will indeed be a gift to these ladies that you offer because you value them and you value what we are doing. If you are willing to contribute by purchasing one of these items, we would be so so grateful!

Simply send me a message telling me what you are purchasing, and I will strike it from the list until all is complete!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance for being an extension of the life and heart of Jesus to others this Christmas!!!
Jesus Came.
There is no greater gift to the world.
You are loved,